Peira (Berlin/Leipzig/Vienna) develops artistic projects in collaborations. The members of Peira met in 2009 at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen and worked under the name ongoing project (2014 – 2021). Since 2021, Chris, Alex, Lisa, and Alma have been active as Peira. Their interdisciplinary works range from stage performances to audio walks, discussion formats, and sociocultural projects (political and cultural education). All of Peira's works pursue the goal of questioning societal conditions. At the same time, they do not stop at criticism but create feasible utopias and sustainable network work. Internally, Peira has chosen the path of a solidarity-based economy that functions as independently as possible from performance targets.
The members' works have been presented in contexts such as the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Theater am Werk, Werk X, HAU, Schwankhalle Bremen, Festspielhaus Hellerau Dresden, Kunstfest Weimar, zeitraumexit Mannheim, Ashkal Alwan and Mansion Blatt Beirut, D-Caf Cairo, Lofft Leipzig, Stadttheater Giessen, Schaubühne Lindenfels, united intimacy theatre Riga, RBB, SWR, Deutschlandfunk.

General contact:
Press contact:
Peira GbR
Karl-Marx-Str. 82
12043 Berlin
Tax Number: 21/218/00527
IBAN DE86 1101 0101 5789 6430 86
Image credits, image sources, and copyright notices: Peira GbR.
Webdesign: Judith Weber, Ernst Wolf
Coding: Alexander Bauer
Social Media and Other Online Presences.
This imprint also applies to the following social media presences and online profiles:
Facebook: Peira
Instagram: Sisterqueens_berlin, tender_absence