Projects Projektteiler

Hip Hop Camp

SISTERQUEENS Vol.3 is a hip-hop camp for girls* and young women*. Together with hip-hop artists, they go to the countryside for two weeks to have space for artistic experimentation, relaxation and sisterhood in quiet surroundings. In addition to rap and dance workshops, it is also about dealing with the history of hip-hop and getting to know each other.

2024, Berlin
29.07 - 02.08.24
Hip Hop Camp
05.08 - 09.08.24
Hip Hop Camp
A collaboration with
This project was funded by


Collaboration as a feasible utopia, art as a critical practice.

Premiere of documentary "SISTERQUEENS"


For over four years, filmmaker Clara Stelle Hüneke and her team followed three girls from our rap project "SISTERQUEENS". Last Saturday we had the pleasure of attending the screening for Family & Friends at the City-Kino Wedding. Many emotions, touched by Sisterhood, the paths you take, your actions and words and the many shared memories. The documentary will celebrate its world premiere at the Munich Film Festival on June 29 and July 1. Tickets are now available! A big Toi Toi Toi to the film team. We will keep you up to date.

Good reviews for "Das Kitzelmonster"


Now the premiere of this cursed play could take place after all: "Das Kitzelmonster". A complete success. We are delighted with the good reviews from the press. You can read them here: Das Kitzelmonster

not translated


Now the premiere of this cursed play could take place after all: "Das Kitzelmonster". A complete success. We are delighted with the good reviews from the press. You can read them here: Das Kitzelmonster

Peira [‘peı|ra od. ‘paı|ra] heißt Erproben, Unternehmen und gemeinsames Wagnis. In Allianzen und Kollaborationen wagen wir künstlerische Interventionen. Peira entwirft Räume, in denen Menschen und Ideen in Austausch treten und Verständnis wachsen kann, im aktiven Hoffen auf eine gerechtere Welt. Peira (Berlin/Leipzig/Wien) entwickelt künstlerische Projekte in Kollaborationen.
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